
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Jessica Wrenn: Cover Reveal for The Solomon Project

Cover Reveal for The Solomon Project

Good morning, and I would like to extend an invitation to join me as I launch my second novel, a paranormal dystopian/historical fiction combo called “The Solomon Project.” I started this novel for NaNoWriMo after carrying around the idea for years. I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun writing a book.
The novel revolves around Eddie Ruiz, one of the so-called “solomons” who, under a cruel social experiment called The Solomon Project, is one of the approximately 15% of males spared mandatory sterilization at birth. He is also a medium who can summon the spirits of the dead. When the inevitable consequences of The Project start to surface–jealousy and resentment that divides families, the spread of a deadly disease, and the wicked one-world government’s horrific attempt to hide The Project, Eddie, along with his spiritual guardian Queen Bathsheba, uses his powers as a medium to summon The project’s namesake to defeat the world powers and put an end to the Solomon Project.
The novel is scheduled for publication February 6.
The cover reveal party is Saturday, December 12. There will be swag and prizes awarded, and other authors will be present to showcase their work as well. You will also meet Mr. Paul White, the talented artist who designed the cover.
I hope you can join in the fun. If you can help spread the word by inviting friends, I would be grateful as well.
***Re-blogged from Jessica Wrenn via Jessica Wrenn Fiction blog ***

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