
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Pre-Order now: A Merchant's Tale by Michael Dellert

I am pleased to announce that A Merchant's Tale: The Second Tale in the Matter of Manred by Michael Dellert is now available for pre-order for only $0.99.

Available for Pre-Order TODAY!

Corentin, a young foreign trader of the House Pelan arrives in the uncertain lands of Droma, tasked to deliver a mysterious chest to a far-away sage in a remote corner of the kingdom. Accompanied by his mercenary bodyguard, a young local priest, and their native scout, Corentin sets out on a journey that will change his life forever.
A Merchant's Tale is the second installment in The Matter of Manred Saga, a new cycle of medieval romances, action adventures, heroic fantasies, mysterious priests, and their dark and forgetful gods, brought to you from the fiction workshop of Michael E. Dellert.

This is no shiny happy fantasy of noble knights
on noble steeds
acting nobly.

Join the Merchant’s Tale Goodreads Giveaway

Sign up for the Goodreads Giveaway of A Merchant's Tale by 5 March and you'll be eligible to win one of just 20 signed author's copies of A Merchant's Tale as well as a free signed author's copy of Hedge King in Winter. Winners to be announced by 11 March 2016.
Enter TODAY for your chance to win!

About the Author

Michael Dellert is an award-winning writer, editor, publishing consultant, and writing coach with a publishing career spanning 18 years. His poetry and short fiction have appeared in literary journals such as The Backporch Review, The Harbinger, Idiom, and Venture. His poetry has also appeared in the anthologies The Golden Treasury of Great Poems and Dance on the Horizon, and he is a two-time winner of the Golden Poet Award from World of Poetry Press.
He is the owner, writer, and publisher of the creative writing and self-publishing blog, MDellertDotCom: Adventures in Indie Publishing.
He is the author of Hedge King in Winter: First Tale in the Matter of Manred and his soon-to-be-released A Merchant’s Tale: The Second Tale in the Matter of Manred.
He currently lives and works in the Greater New York City area as a freelance writer, editor, and publishing consultant.

For More Information:

MDellertDotCom: Adventures in Indie Publishing (Blog):


  1. Honored to be in your spotlight today, Rose, thanks so much!

  2. What a nice blog! Michael, best of luck with your new book. It looks great, and I'm entering your Giveaway.
