
Monday, February 15, 2016

Veronica Del Rosa: Author Interview & Spotlight

Shifter month continues at Fantasy Fun Reads, this week featuring Veronica Del Rosa, author of
Sylvia's Torment: An Enforcers and Coterie Novel.


Second in the Enforcers and Coterie series, each one is a standalone book delving deeper into a world where magic co-exists peacefully with the ordinary, for the most part...

He waited to claim her…
Has time run out?

Derek wants Sylvia back – now. His Beta. His second-in-command. His lifemate. As a Top Alpha, few obstacles stand in his way. But even with nearly infinite resources at his fingertips, he's spent months searching for his missing unclaimed mate, her agony slowing driving him feral. If he doesn’t find her soon, he'll destroy everyone in his way.

But not broken.

Three months since her abduction, Sylvia keeps a mental tally as day passes into night. Torture and endless rounds of experimentation push her to the brink. Silver in the walls burns her, drugs keep her complacent. Freedom is a dream. Rescue is impossible.

If she escapes, will she be sane?
If she comes home a damaged werewolf, will her pack accept her…
Or kill her?

Bonus novella included: Unexpected Werewolf

Lori hadn’t expected her world to change. Go to work, avoid her asshole boss Ed, and spend time with friends. Then he came into her life. With a few simple words, he altered everything. Can she accept the new and the unknown?

Buy it Here:


After many, many years of reading, Veronica Del Rosa made the mistake of complaining to her ever-patience and sweet husband about a book she'd finished reading. He kindly said to her, "If you think you can do a better job, then do it. If not, stop complaining." Veronica stared at him for a moment and realized he was correct. Time to write! Bet he regrets those words now. PS, there's a reason why Veronica's male characters are sarcastic and amusing; she steals bits of her husband, although put like that, it sounds disturbing.

Veronica lives with her husband and their young son in Toronto, Ontario where Veronica does techy stuff for her other job.


1. I love the story about how something your husband said convinced you to write your own book. Did it turn out the way you wanted and has your husband read it yet?

I do love telling people that story. It shows both how supportive my husband is and his sense of humour. The novel did turn out – mostly – how I wanted it to, in fact it spawned an entire series. Some of the secondary characters intrigued me so much that I couldn’t quit with just one book. Although, I have to admit, there is some tweaking I’d love to do with the story simply because it was my first one. Oh, the things I didn’t know then!

As for my husband reading it... heck no! He’s told me in no uncertain terms that he will watch it when it becomes a movie. *laughs* He’s not into the romance genre. However, I bounce ideas off him and recently he helped me overcome writer’s block by asking me, “What’s the point of this spell? Why do you need it?” When I couldn’t answer him, I realized that’s why I couldn’t go any further. A few hours later, I had my answer.

2. What authors and books convinced you to write in this genre? What are some of your favorites?

I’d never read a paranormal romance novel until about six years ago. I’d read fantasy, horror, mystery, and romance, but never PNR. A friend had lent me the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward and I was hooked with the genre. I soon after discovered Christine Feehan, Gena Showalter, and Kesley Cole. They showed me how diverse and rich these worlds are and I wanted more.

My favourite authors, well, that’s a long list. There are some that I buy as soon as I can because I love their stories, such as Ilona Andrews, Heather R. Blair, Jen Winters, and Sherrilyn Kenyon.

3. Did you try and find and agent or publisher first or did you always intend to self-publish?

Many, many years ago I wanted to write a book and have it published. I researched the process for getting an agent and realized it wasn’t for me. I put my dreams on hold until a few years ago when a friend of my self-published a book. That, combined with my husband telling me to write, had me diving right into self-publishing.

4. What have you learned as an author that you wish you knew just starting out?

I wish I’d paid attention to the fact that cover art and editing is important, as important as the story itself. I was so clueless and stumbled onto these vital facts after my first book was published. Ick. Without an editor, it was a lump of potential. I lucked out and found an amazing editor who understands my writing and characters. She combed through my first book, smacked me for some of my very newbish mistakes and helped transform it into a better book.

And cover art...oh boy! The first covers I had didn’t match up to what I envisioned. They were generic and didn’t wow me. Then saw the cover a fellow author had. Envious, I read through her blog post about the cover artist and within a day I contacted the artist. So glad I did! I love my cover art and now I feel pride whenever I see them.

5. Tell me about your daily routine. Do you have a set time for writing or marketing your book. How do you balance daily life with your work as an author?

I like to write in the mid-morning, since my brain is fresh but not groggy from waking up. I’m one of those strange folks who don’t drink coffee.  Although there isn’t a set time for me since I never know when I’ll feel the urge to write. Some days it doesn’t hit until the evening and at that point, my husband will entertain our son so I can pound out some words.

A lot of my balance comes from my husband. He picks up the slack when I’m deep in a story and unable to concentrate on anything else. Without him, I doubt I would’ve finished half the stories I have done now.

Follow Veronica at these places:

Twitter: @Veronica_DelRos

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