
Monday, April 11, 2016

Book Promos: Yo ho, yo ho, six book promos for me

I confess. I'm terrible at anything to do with graphics. I can do a collage but if I want text and background forget it. If I need to do anything with layers, I run screaming.

Of course, others are not so untalented in this area as me. For several years now I have been admiring some of the great promos I see on places like Facebook and Twitter. I was jealous. I wish I could do stuff like that. So one day I went to the Indie Author community and asked around. Right off the bat the name Julie Nichols was suggested to me by a couple of authors. I have even featured Julie on my blog here....
Julie Nichols: Author Interview & Spotlight

I knew she was an Indie author like me. I knew she had an excellent reputation for doing book covers for fellow authors and it turns out she also does book promos. So now I can be just as amazing with my promos as anybody. I am no longer graphically challenged. With Julie on my side, I am fabulous.

Julie is very reasonably priced, she's fast, and she is super talented.  I gave her some very brief descriptions, my book covers, a couple of quotes, a blurb, and a teaser. I said just jazz it up a bit, plenty of fire, maybe a playschool background on that quote, possibly a Zombie background to go with that blurb. I got more than I asked for and I am very happy with all of them. I didn't ask to change a single one.

I started using them on Facebook and Twitter before she even completed the set. I have plans for some Jade & Jane promos as well and I will be calling on her services again.

If, like me, you find this graphic stuff to be a challenge, shoot her a message. You can tell she loves her work and she loves working with other authors.

Contact Julie here:
Mirishka's Artwork on Facebook

This girl is on fire, and the book as well....

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