
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Jade & Jane: Big news!

The publisher has granted the rights to Jade & Jane back to me and special editions of both books will be published (self-published this time) soon. I am hoping for early May releases.

New covers, new blurbs, a new round of edits, and this time I have added the chapter titles I enjoy so much. The new cover (above) for Jade looks fantastic and I am super excited to see what my cover artist (Mirella Santana) has in store for the new cover for Jane. I hope to be able to share Jane's new cover in just a few days.

When the current versions are taken down, I should be able to get the new ones published pretty quickly. The print versions of these two titles will be much more reasonably priced and I'm hoping that will encourage readers to buy the print copies.

Many of you may know that my friend and best beta reader in the world, Hans Markus, lives in Germany and has agreed to translate these books. We are hoping to have the German edition of Jade out by the end of the year.

I will let you know when the new versions of these books are available for purchase.

Fans of the series will be excited to hear that I am working on Book 3 and hope to have Jill published by the end of this summer.

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