
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

K.M. Hodge: Author Interview & Spotlight

Please welcome K.M.Hodge, author of Red On The Run, a crime & suspense thriller.

Red on the Run Blurb:
…because sometimes all you can do is run.
In search of redemption from his sordid past, FBI Special Agent Alex Bailey takes on a new secret mission and partner, Katherine Mitchel. Before they are assigned their first case, Katherine uncovers damning evidence against a major crime ring, known as The Syndicate. The group, which controls the police; Congress; even the FBI, will stop at nothing to protect their interest. With his partner’s life threatened, Alex secretly has her placed in the witness protection program. But there is no hiding from The Syndicate. In what becomes the most dangerous investigation of his career, Alex must ask himself how far he is willing to go to stop the Syndicate and keep Katherine safe?

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K.M. Hodge Biography:
K.M. Hodge grew up in Detroit, where she spent most of her free time weaving wild tales to spook her friends and family. These days, she lives in Texas with her husband and two energetic boys and once again enjoys writing tales of suspense and intrigue that keep her readers up all night. Her stories, which focus on women's issues, friendship, addiction, regrets and second chances, will stay with you long after you finish them. When she isn't writing or being an agent of social change, she reads Independent graphic novels, watches old X-files episodes, streams Detroit Tigers games and binges on Netflix with her husband. She enjoys hearing from her readers, so don't be shy about emailing her or saying hi on social media: Facebook,Twitter or Google+. 

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1. What books or authors inspired you growing up to write in the Thriller/Suspense genre?

I read a lot growing up but the authors that stick out in my mind are Nancy Drew, Christopher Pike, John Saul, and Robin Cook. I loved trying to figure out the mystery as early as possible. Whenever I watched suspense movies with my family I would irritate them by figuring it all out and spoiling it for them. I really can't imagine writing anything else.

2. Tell us about your publishing experience and how you ended up with a publisher.

Well I self-published my first novel, Seasons, which was the first book in my Syndicate Trilogy. A friend of mine read the book and said that I should try and submit it to Evolved Publishing. I sent them a copy and they asked me to sign the Trilogy with them and I did. We just republished Seasons second edition with a new name, cover and scenes. It is now called Red on the Run. I also co-write my Book Cellar Mystery Series with Melissa Storm under the Blue Crown Press Imprint.

3. What have you learned since your first book published that you wish you knew when you first started out?

I wish I had known a million things. My writing has improved by leaps an bounds and my brand platform is steadily growing as new readers discover my work each day. So in the end it all comes out in the wash. However, I really do wish I had spent more time honing my craft and not just throwing the book up on the "zon" without having a professional editor go over it. What do I mean by professional editor? Someone who edits fiction books! Not an English teacher or non-fiction editor. My advice for those starting out is to find a way to pay the front end cost of getting their manuscripts professional editor, who they have vetted, and to pay for a professional cover. I use Mallory Rock and she is all kinds of amazing.

4. What are you currently working on? Is there a sequel coming in the future?

I have four open projects right now. The ones I am spending the most time on is the sequels to my two series. Book #2 of the Book Cellar Mystery Series, Texas and Tiaras, is going to be out by the end of the summer and the sequel to the Syndicate-Born Trilogy will be out at the end of September. I also have two novella's in the works. Never stop writing!

5. Tell us three things about your writing that might inspire a new reader to give this book a try.

1) I write suspense for women. I give voice to the joys and sorrows that women all over the world face every day.
2) I spend a lot of time fact checking and speaking to people who are experts in their field to make sure that everything is just right.
3) I have been told by readers that I have well thought out and developed characters. The kind that stick with you long after you stop reading. I get a lot of e-mails with time stamps that are in the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning. 

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