
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Cover Reveal & Teasers: Jill

I'm hoping for an October release. When I finished Book Two: Jane, I was inspired to write the first two books in my Young Adult spin-off series, Norma Jean's School of Witchery. Readers have been waiting for this one for quite some time. The release of Jill will not only complete the Three J'amigos series, it will bridge the gap between that series and Norma Jean's School of Witchery.

Where Jade was told from the standpoint of Jade and Jane from Jane's point of view, Jill will vary POVs between the three characters. Non-stop action, a little romance, and a couple of major plot twists readers have come to expect from my books. One plot twist will put this book into the Sci-Fi genre in addition to Urban Fantasy.

It's going to be FUN ♥

If you haven't read Jade & Jane, here are the links....

Jade on Amazon
Jane on Amazon

Cover art for this series by the amazing Mirella Santana

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