
Monday, February 20, 2017

Guest Post: Jeremy Breitenbach

I met Jeremy at the event, Our books Are Not Free. He was looking for an author slot and they were all filled but after talking with him, I offered him a spot on my blog. Thirty-one years ago my son was born a two pound preemie and has cerebral palsy. He's the best son I could ask for and I admire anyone with a disability that strives for happiness. Here is Jeremy's story and I hope you will support him by buying his book, sharing this post with friends, and connecting with him on social media.

Guest Post:

I was born prematurely at 24 weeks gestation.  I am blind (legally blind to be specific).  I have no vision in my right eye and limited in my left.  I use braille to read and write.  I also have cerebral palsy which limits me to the use of one hand, my left.

I use a device called a VoiceNote Apex to write/braille my books.  It is part of the BrailleNote family of products from HumanWare.  The VoiceNote Apex's only difference from a BrailleNote Apex is that the VoiceNote doesn't have a refreshable braille display.  It uses text-to-speech (tts).

The first book I published is called The Gateway: A physicist opens a gateway on a planet within another dimension which leads to an alien invasion; violence and strong language.

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