
Monday, March 27, 2017

Cover Reveal: Wiznewski James by Rose Montague

Coming soon ♥
I hope to have everything finished by the end of April and a book release sometime in May.

Hello. My name is Wiznewski James. I'm a real person but that's not my real
name. My real name is GEM (Genetically Engineered Modification) Set 231
Batch 31,390. My sister is called Kate and she's not a real person but that is the
real name I gave her. She's an AI (Artificial Intelligence). She rides around with me
in my brain. Together we are on the run and hiding in plain sight. It was only a
matter of time before we ran into ConGlom again.

I've got the Genesis Egg and ComGlom wants it. I'm going to make sure they
don't get their greedy hands on it. When they find out who I really am, they will want
me almost as bad as they want the device. I've decided to take a stand. It's going
to be a real fight and they have no idea what they are getting into. They made me
and I will make them regret it.


  1. Will this be a series or a stand alone book?

  2. I planned it as a stand alone book but I'm liking the character so much I may change my mind.
