Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2016: Fill in the Blanks

Time to set my goals for 2016 and look back on how I did in 2015.

For 2016, my goal is to fill in the blanks with four more titles. I'm currently working on Jill, the sequel to Jade & Jane. Then Fire On Ice, a new Jewel adventure. I'm planning a novella in the Norma Jean's School of Witchery series called Witch in a Wheelchair and another Halloween short story continuing the adventures of Midnight (a cat familiar) that I started in The Ninth Life. So, two novels, a novella, and a new short story.

In 2015, I met my writing and publishing goals with 3 novels and a short story. I will continue the hybrid way with both traditionally published as well as self published works.

On the sales front, my goal for 2015 was 2,000 paid sales.  I didn't quite meet that goal but did come close. Jade & Jane should finish the year with about 800 paid sales.  Jewel & Ghost School had roughly 600 paid sales and my little short story another 30 sales. Other than that short story which sells for a whopping $1.00, I didn't run any special 99 cent promos or free downloads of my books.

Jade, which published in 2013, is still my number one selling book with around 500 sold this year. Sales really took off in March when Book Two: Jane published.

I am really excited to see a similar thing happening with Norma Jean's School of Witchery. Publication of Book Two in October and this series has really taken off.

So I am really excited for next year and I hope you follow me on that journey.  You can keep track of my books by following me on my Amazon Author page.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Is seeing your book on the shelf in the "New" #YA section at the local library.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Jessica Wrenn: Cover Reveal for The Solomon Project

Cover Reveal for The Solomon Project

Good morning, and I would like to extend an invitation to join me as I launch my second novel, a paranormal dystopian/historical fiction combo called “The Solomon Project.” I started this novel for NaNoWriMo after carrying around the idea for years. I don’t think I’ve ever had more fun writing a book.
The novel revolves around Eddie Ruiz, one of the so-called “solomons” who, under a cruel social experiment called The Solomon Project, is one of the approximately 15% of males spared mandatory sterilization at birth. He is also a medium who can summon the spirits of the dead. When the inevitable consequences of The Project start to surface–jealousy and resentment that divides families, the spread of a deadly disease, and the wicked one-world government’s horrific attempt to hide The Project, Eddie, along with his spiritual guardian Queen Bathsheba, uses his powers as a medium to summon The project’s namesake to defeat the world powers and put an end to the Solomon Project.
The novel is scheduled for publication February 6.
The cover reveal party is Saturday, December 12. There will be swag and prizes awarded, and other authors will be present to showcase their work as well. You will also meet Mr. Paul White, the talented artist who designed the cover.
I hope you can join in the fun. If you can help spread the word by inviting friends, I would be grateful as well.
***Re-blogged from Jessica Wrenn via Jessica Wrenn Fiction blog ***

Friday, December 4, 2015

Holiday Sale: Jade & Jane

Holiday Sale!!!
Jade and Jane are on sale at (US)
eBook prices for each book now only $2.99
It looks like International prices have been lowered as well. If you have not started this series, now would be a great time to do so.....

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Happy Holidays Book Giveaway

Happy Holidays from some of your favorite Urban Fantasy/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance authors! Five lucky winners will receive a random selection of books from NYT Best Selling Authors Faith Hunter, Jennifer Estep, Darynda Jones. Also David B. Coe, Laura Anne Gilman, John Hartness, Christina Henry, Stuart Jaffe, Gail Z. Martin, and Mindy Mymudes. (Not all authors will be included in each prize pack.)
In addition a 25 dollar gift card will be randomly chosen from a comment on one of the blogs. The more blogs you comment on, the more likely you’ll win the gift card! So go visit and win a gift for yourself this holiday season!

Blog List
Slippery Words  November 24th, 2015
I Smell Sheep  November 25th, 2015
Literal Addiction  November 27th, 2015
Cherry Mischievous November 29th, 2015
Drey’s Library November 30th, 2015
Tome Tender December 1st, 2015
London’s Scribbles December 2nd, 2015
Fantasy Fun Reads  December 3rd, 2015
Rabid Reads December 10, 2015
Great Authors, Fantastic Prizes. Don't forget to leave a comment. May the odds be ever in your favor! ♥