Sink your teeth into this book of fantastical short stories that will leave you wanting more. This collection mixes fantasy, science fiction, horror, and more into one big boiling pot of tastiness. Stories may include princesses, talking birds, alien species, magical items, terrifying creatures, cyborgs, or assassins. You’ll get your fill of thrills and chills.
Available for pre-order (releases July 27) here...
My Review:
First let me say that the author has a real talent for getting a reader interested in these shorts right off the bat. Ranging from what I would describe as flash fiction to longer more developed short stories, regardless of length, I found them all to be delightful reads. Overall I would say this collection was quirky and unpredictable while at the same time engaging and entertaining.
I felt that several of them could be developed into full length novels that I would definitely be interested in reading.
I give it 5 Stars...
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