Saturday, December 31, 2016
Looking Back & Plunging Forward
We learn to take the good with the bad and 2016 featured plenty of both. Both my parents passed away during the year and finding the motivation to write was a real struggle. Getting Jill finally published in December was a big step for me and I hope to get more writing done in the coming year.
Early in 2016 I got the publishing rights back for my first two books, Jade & Jane. New edits, new covers, the addition of chapter titles, helped make Jade & Jane: Re-Vamped a huge success. Over the summer I sold roughly 1,300 eBooks and made over 3,000 in royalties.
If I could get these kind of results all the time, I could afford to leave my regular job and write full time. Overall sales doubled from last year with roughly 2,500 eBooks, 100 print copies and about 6,000 in royalties. If I can double that in 2017, I might just be able to write full time. Getting sales on a regular basis is not easy. Not only are you fighting the pirate sites that give your book away illegally, you are competing against the plethora of freebies the Indie Author Community insists on throwing out there, making it harder for people like me to sell a few books. I wrote about that in this post: Peer Pressure & Reader Expectations. Fortunately, I am seeing more and more Indie authors come to the conclusion that the whole free books thing is hurting us in the long run.
2016 gave me more reviews, both good and bad. My best review ever as well as a few that were not so nice. Again, you have to learn to cherish the good and deal with the bad.
I also had a couple of reviews that touched on the Mary Sue issue, which I decided to embrace in this post: Embracing My Mary Sue.
Writing Jill, I inserted a bit of a Science Fiction element to go along with the Urban Fantasy. I decided I like that combination and you can look forward to seeing more of that in 2017. Just last week, I plotted out my next project and I will be writing the first chapter in the next few days. Because I find that having a cover done helps motivate me to get the book written, look for a cover reveal in the first month or so of 2017.
I had a good many health issues in 2016 and I am taking steps to get better in 2017. I hope that the year ahead is filled with less pain than this one.
I was able to host many outstanding authors on my blog in 2016. I will continue to do that on occasion in 2017 but I will focus more on the writing business and will feature some guest posts on writing from some really great authors.
Thank you to my readers ♥ May you be blessed in 2017!
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Devil In the Details
A few things about self-publishing on KDP & Createspace that I have learned after my sixth title is that getting the details right require patience, persistence, and follow up.
1. If you write books in a series like I do, getting the above to show up on your book's page at Amazon usually takes about ten days and at least one call or message. If you call too soon, they will tell you to wait. I just published Book 3 in my Three J'amigos series a few days ago. This hasn't shown up yet but I have it on my calendar to follow up and make sure it does.
2. If you publish both an eBook and a paperback, it's going to take about a week before they both show up on the same page where a potential reader can choose which version to buy from one place. Until then, two separate links (one for the eBook & one for the paperback) are required. This is also true on your Amazon author page, it will be a week or so before these show up together. I usually message or call on this at that time. Once both show up on the same page, reviews on your eBooks will also show up on your print edition and vice versa.
3. Amazon rankings. first you have to sell a few books, then give it 24 hours. No follow up required.
4. Customers who bought this also bought takes a little longer. First you have to sell more that a handful of books, then it will show up. Jill showed up on the 3rd day. No follow up required.
5. Author Central & your Amazon author page. As soon as your book goes live, go to author central and under the books tab, search for your new book and mark it as "this is my book". That gets it here as well as your author page usually the next day.
6. Goodreads. Now that Amazon & Goodreads are connected, I have not had to add my books on Goodreads the last few releases but if yours does not show up in a few days you can add it in a similar manner.
Once it all comes together, it makes it easier for readers and will help you on sales.
1. If you write books in a series like I do, getting the above to show up on your book's page at Amazon usually takes about ten days and at least one call or message. If you call too soon, they will tell you to wait. I just published Book 3 in my Three J'amigos series a few days ago. This hasn't shown up yet but I have it on my calendar to follow up and make sure it does.
2. If you publish both an eBook and a paperback, it's going to take about a week before they both show up on the same page where a potential reader can choose which version to buy from one place. Until then, two separate links (one for the eBook & one for the paperback) are required. This is also true on your Amazon author page, it will be a week or so before these show up together. I usually message or call on this at that time. Once both show up on the same page, reviews on your eBooks will also show up on your print edition and vice versa.
3. Amazon rankings. first you have to sell a few books, then give it 24 hours. No follow up required.
4. Customers who bought this also bought takes a little longer. First you have to sell more that a handful of books, then it will show up. Jill showed up on the 3rd day. No follow up required.
5. Author Central & your Amazon author page. As soon as your book goes live, go to author central and under the books tab, search for your new book and mark it as "this is my book". That gets it here as well as your author page usually the next day.
6. Goodreads. Now that Amazon & Goodreads are connected, I have not had to add my books on Goodreads the last few releases but if yours does not show up in a few days you can add it in a similar manner.
Once it all comes together, it makes it easier for readers and will help you on sales.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Jill: New release ♥
Author's Note (From Jill)
I wanted to thank all my fans for their patience with me in getting the final book in the Three J'amigos series completed. When I finished Jane, I was inspired to skip ahead and start my spin-off series, Norma Jean's School of Witchery, featuring Jewel, the newly adopted daughter of Jade and Jane. If you remember from Jane, Jewel was the teen witch that helped Jade, Jane, and Jill out of a tight spot.
My beta reader, Hans Markus, asked during the writing of Jane that I feature more on Jewel. We both liked Jewel so much that Norma Jean's School of Witchery was born and I actually wrote two books in that series before returning to the last book in this series.
Both my parents passed away during the writing of Jill, delaying it further. I am so happy I was able to finish it, and on a positive, humorous note. They would be so proud of me to see this book completed.
Jill bridges the gap between the Three J'amigos and Norma Jean's School of Witchery and Jade, Jane, and Jill make occasional and important appearances. I hope you will read on for Chapter One of Norma Jean's School of Witchery, Book One: Jewel. More magic, mayhem, and murder, with a light touch of romance......
My beta reader, Hans Markus, asked during the writing of Jane that I feature more on Jewel. We both liked Jewel so much that Norma Jean's School of Witchery was born and I actually wrote two books in that series before returning to the last book in this series.
Both my parents passed away during the writing of Jill, delaying it further. I am so happy I was able to finish it, and on a positive, humorous note. They would be so proud of me to see this book completed.
Jill bridges the gap between the Three J'amigos and Norma Jean's School of Witchery and Jade, Jane, and Jill make occasional and important appearances. I hope you will read on for Chapter One of Norma Jean's School of Witchery, Book One: Jewel. More magic, mayhem, and murder, with a light touch of romance......
Jill (new release) International links
Monday, November 28, 2016
Fun With Chapter Titles: Jill Edition
As I type this, Jill is in the editing stage and should be published soon. Chapter titles help me to focus when I write, it keeps me from going off in various directions not consistent with the story line. I love to have fun with these and some give my readers clues as to what's coming up. It also gives a reader a sort of bookmark to follow if later in the book they want to refer back to something I wrote earlier. Jade was written from the point of view of Jade, Jane was written from Jane's point of view. Jill rotates point of view between the three main characters in the Three J'amigos series, Jade, Jane, and Jill. Here are a few of my favorites from Jill.
Two: Trolling In The Deep (Jill)
There are trolls in this one and Jill is in a deep down pile of trouble.
Three: Should I Stay or Should I Go? (Jane)
That commercial drives me crazy and since it fits, I just couldn't resist.
Five: Sixteen Tons (Jill)
The number one song on the day I was born. This chapter is about debt.
Chapter Fifteen:
I'll be Home for Christmas (Jane)
It's just that time of year.
Chapter Sixteen:
No, Not in Kansas (Jade)
My favorite chapter and an introduction of a bit of science fiction to go with all the paranormal fantasy stuff. This one was a lot of fun to write.
Chapter Seventeen:
Climb Every Mountain (Jill)
There is a lot of climbing in this book, so much so that I'm tempted to put it in a climbing sub-genre.
Chapter Eighteen:
Clan of the Cave Bugs (Jane)
Too funny! Here there be bugs and they aren't nice ones.
Chapter Nineteen:
Queen of the Hill (Jade)
Non-stop action, humor, and fun!
Chapter Twenty-One:
Bat out of Hell (Jane)
My favorite chapter (OK, I have several favorites). As with many of my chapter titles, double and some times triple meanings.
Twenty-Three: A Faerie Godmother (Jill)
This one is a great lead in to my young adult series, Norma Jean's School of Witchery.
I'm looking at a December release. If you haven't started the series yet, it's a lot of fun. Here are the links to the first book in the series, Jade.
Friday, November 18, 2016
What is Urban Fantasy?
I get asked this all the time. The short answer is that it is fantasy in a modern setting. Imagine a world like the world of Jade with the time being present day. The main difference in this world and the real world is the edition of paranormal elements and supernatural creatures.
Magic is real in Jade and witches play an important role. Two of these roles are explored in Jade. First, in law enforcement. There are witches in law enforcement both with the police as well as the FBI. Jade is part of a supernatural task force withing the police department that deals with paranormal crimes and supernatural creatures like witches, vampires, and shifters. Her partner is a werebear named Rolfe. Second, in healthcare. Witches take part in healing spells and potions.
At some point in the timeline of this fantasy world, history veered off from modern day real world history due to these paranormal elements. In Jade's world shifters have their own territories within the real world, witches have their own laws that they are subject to in addition to the normal human laws, and they have their own schools where magic is taught. Vampires are ruled by masters of the cities and the world of Faerie is a real one.
In Jade, it's all great fun and adventure. Jade herself is the mutt of the supernatural world with elements of witch, shifter, vampire, and fae. How she got that way is part of the mystery.
Some urban fantasy books have interesting sub-genres like post apocalyptic urban fantasy. I would describe the world the Kate Daniels to be in this genre. I love that series and some other urban fantasy series I love are the Mercy Thompson series, as well as Anitia Blake, Jane Yellowrock, and Sookie Stackhouse.
You can also find elements of romance in urban fantasy books. Jade has what I would describe as a light touch of romance, non-stop action, over-the-top humor, and several mysteries that might surprise you. If you would like to give Jade a try, follow the links below.
Saturday, October 1, 2016
New Release: Rise by Barbara Winkes
Angel. Vampire. Witch.
Fairy. Shifter.
For a long time,
paranormal beings have lived alongside of humans, and minded their
own business. After being mocked, hunted and used for millennia, it’s
not in their best interest to get involved in human affairs—yet,
these five females can’t turn away from the attacks on the dignity
of human women. They have intervened before, but one incident
convinces them that the time has come to turn their efforts into a
global movement. The tide is finally turning.
Barbara Winkes
writes suspense and romance with female, mostly lesbian characters at
the center. Expect high drama and happy endings.
Buy it on Amazon here:
A message from the author, Barbara Winkes...
Have you ever
wondered what other species might think of humans when they look at
us? Would they approve, or disapprove—would they care? My venture
into the paranormal started late, mostly because I had always
preferred the contemporary, especially suspense. My idea used to be
that there are problems in the here and now that should be addressed
in fiction, so that’s what I was writing and looking for as a
reader. In real life, there are rarely quick and easy fixes to the
problems in society, so sometimes it feels good to do in fiction,
within one book, what often takes years, decades, or even
However, after following
politics for years, I became so frustrated one day that I started to
doubt that we, humans, can ever get it right—and I began to see the
appeal of speculative fiction and urban fantasy, taking it one step
further and into the future, with characters who have powers that go
beyond human.
I kept seeing
articles about women who proudly joined a social media meme about why
they didn’t need feminism, unaware of the many freedoms they were
enjoying because of it. Online harassment of women by men and
women. Women who don’t vote, or vote against their best interests.
Meanwhile, many are trying hard to inform and educate, but all too
often their efforts are not only overlooked, but rejected. And
sometimes, people who are on the same side, get into big fights
online over a minor disagreement, proving that divide and conquer
still works perfectly.
If after such a long time,
we still can’t have equality, and we still deal with people working
against it, what will it take?
RISE explores the
idea that a few paranormal beings take notice, and take sides, in the
hope of nudging humans in the right direction, to end misogyny once
and for all.
It seems easy in theory,
but those five females soon learn that their newly adopted mission
comes with consequences. Not all humans greet their efforts
enthusiastically—and how can you deal with those who don’t care
for being educated?
Rafi is an archangel. She
and her sisters will be around even if humans manage to destroy the
planet completely, but her friends won’t.
Madina is a witch,
her lover Daphne, a vampire. Both Madina’s coven and Daphne’s
clan have regarded their relationship with suspicion. When the
question arises of whether to join the cause that is bigger than all
of them, everyone must ask themselves what’s worth more—tradition,
or the lives they can save right now.
Cass, a shifter, is
married to a human man who doesn’t know her other side, and she
fears what could happen if he finds out—which is more than likely,
because humans are beginning to understand that they have gained new
Skylar, a fairy, has
to learn that her abilities, while not relying on physical strength,
are meaningful to the change they are all working to create.
Mix in a couple of human
women who are seeing the world progress in a way they’d never
thoughts possible—this is the story of Rise.
I truly hope that at some
point in our lives, we will see a faster and exponential change, and
that a simple nudge could be all it takes to get us started.
I turned this hope in a
story of action, adventure, and ultimately, love.
October 5th-8th,
I’ll celebrate it together with other authors in an author
takeover. You can take a look at the other authors who have signed
up, chat with them, and take part in giveaways.
Would you like to
win an e-copy of Rise?
Please comment with your
email address and your choice of format (PDF or Mobi).
Thank you Rose, for having
Join the fun, Rise Release Author Takeover
Monday, September 26, 2016
Stake-Out by Lily Luchesi: Spotlight & Review
I had purchased this book back in May and just now got a chance to read it. I'm so glad I finally got to this one....
a city overrun with the undead, an ex-cop is given a chance to get
Mancini is on a case, following a murder suspect. When he catches
him, he finds out that the perp isn't even human: he's a 200-year-old
rogue vampire!
department doesn't believe him, and puts him on early retirement,
despite his many years of service to the Chicago Police Department,
which sends him into a downward spiral.
years later, Danny gets an invitation from the beautiful, young
Detective Angelica Cross to join a secret branch of the FBI to help
her track down Vincent, the wayward vamp.
renegade werewolves, meddling immortal witches and Danny's strange
visions of a life lived a century ago with Angelica make things more
difficult than it should be.
My Review:
This was a fast afternoon read and a lot of fun. I loved the combination of romance, horror, and action. It has many of the paranormal elements I love and the characters are well developed with background information coming at a steady and non-distracting pace. Angelica is not your regular run-of-the-mill vamp and as the book progresses we find out that Danny is not your average retired detective. The book left me wondering not only about the on and off again romance but what the future holds for Danny's developing powers. I look forward to reading the next book in the series. I give this one five stars...
Check out the video promo!
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Cover Reveal & Teasers: Jill
I'm hoping for an October release. When I finished Book Two: Jane, I was inspired to write the first two books in my Young Adult spin-off series, Norma Jean's School of Witchery. Readers have been waiting for this one for quite some time. The release of Jill will not only complete the Three J'amigos series, it will bridge the gap between that series and Norma Jean's School of Witchery.
Where Jade was told from the standpoint of Jade and Jane from Jane's point of view, Jill will vary POVs between the three characters. Non-stop action, a little romance, and a couple of major plot twists readers have come to expect from my books. One plot twist will put this book into the Sci-Fi genre in addition to Urban Fantasy.
It's going to be FUN ♥
If you haven't read Jade & Jane, here are the links....
Jade on Amazon
Jane on Amazon
Cover art for this series by the amazing Mirella Santana
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Please vote for Norma Jean's School of Witchery!
Voting starts today and runs through 11 September.
Vote for Norma Jean's School of Witchery
Jewel is nominated in Young Adult, vote here
Ghost School is nominated in Fantasy, vote here
You can vote once a day in each poll. So many great books and I could really use your help! <3
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Peer Pressure & Reader Expectations
"When is your book going to be free?"
"This should have been a free book."
I have had questions and comments like this. There are so many free and deeply discounted books in the Indie author community now that they have become the rule rather than the exception. Readers have come to expect it and some have learned that if they wait a little while on buying a book, it's going to be free.
I understand and respect an author's decision to give their book away. They do this in the hope that readers will like the book enough to buy the next one they have written or they are hoping for more reviews. Sometimes it even works. I have read a free book and then bought the next one and sometimes I have left a glowing review on the free read. I have done that a few times so I can see the potential reward for doing so.
The problem is that when just about every Indie author is doing it, it lessens the chances of actually selling books because there are so many freebies out there. It devalues our work, in my opinion. I would actually like to get to the point where I can afford to write full time. In order to do that, I need to sell some books rather than give them away.
What's the solution? I would appreciate your thoughts and comments on this subject. In the meantime, I have no plans to offer my books for free. I think my books are reasonably priced and are fun reads.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Cover Reveal & Sneak Peek: Dragon Moon by Julie Nicholls
Thank you very much for letting me take
over your blog today to reveal the cover for my latest novel, Dragon
This is a Teen & Young Adult
Fantasy, and I hope to publish with Amazon’s Kindle
Scout program, if it is accepted.
The story concerns Scarlett, an almost
nineteen year old who is undecided about her future. Throughout her
school life she has been the subject of ridicule and bullying because
of her flame, red hair. While college was easier, because she stood
up for herself, she can’t make up her mind if University is the
place she wants to be, and is taking some time out from studying to
decide. She visits the Nottingham Goose Fair, and meets Dizelli, a
psychic, who gives her a gold pendant and instructs her to wear it to
Scarlett wakes up the next morning but
she’s not in her bed, or her home. She’s in a field. In her
Her adventure begins and she’s thrown
into a world of dragons and magic. She’s the Dragon Mage, and it’s
her responsibility to save the dragons from slaughter, and also bring
two warring tribes together.
There are just a few days left before
the Dragon Moon arrives. All the dragons currently asleep, protecting
their eggs could die unless Scarlett finds a way to unite the silver
haired, and black haired races together and to stop Lord Ithel from
killing the elder dragon who knows the secret location of the dragon
Here’s a sneaky peek!
No matter what Elyan’s surprise is,
at least it’s another lovely day out. It’s another lovely day.
The sun is shining and despite the cool breeze, it’s perfect for
riding. We set off at a walk but once outside the city walls, Elyan
kicks his horse and he’s off. I have a hard time keeping up on
Sootli; bless her. Once he reaches the foothills, he slows and when I
catch up to him, he pulls off to the left instead of the path through
the mountain.
“Where are you going?” I ask.
He doesn’t answer and just waves at
me as he trots ahead. He’s in charge again; he can’t help it.
We ride for only a little way, and then
the smell hits me.
Soon we’re looking at a blanket of
white flowers. They stretch along the side of the track as far as the
eye can see, and the smell is amazing. Elyan dismounts and wraps the
reins around a fallen tree. He helps me down and leads me to the huge
log where we both sit.
I can’t stop sniffing the air and
notice he’s staring. “What?”
He smiles and I notice for the first
time how charming he looks when he’s not scowling.
“I know how much you like Vanillium
and thought you would like to see where it grows. Am I right?”
“Yes! Thanks.”
I’m smiling as I look at him and see
him in a different light. He can be thoughtful when he puts his mind
to it. He stares at me for several moments, his gaze unfathomable. Do
I want to know what he’s thinking?
“I am sorry for my behavior yesterday
with Mostyn,” he says.
Wow! Didn’t see that coming.
“I expect learning he and your sister
were an item was a bit of a shock.”
“I learned something else too. From
my father.”
“What was it?” I ask as if I don’t
“That there was someone else he loved
before mother. I am not angry about that. He expected me to be,
though. I have a reputation, it seems.”
I can see a hint of a grin forming.
“My father relies on me to protect
the town. While I have my warriors to aid, I am constantly on my
guard. My responsibility to our people is foremost on my mind.”
“That’s why you’re so wound up,
Elyan. You’re stressed out.”
I know how he feels. In my last year of
college I was worrying over my exams, the bullying, and concerns
about my life after college. My dad said when someone is stressed,
they are short-tempered, have trouble sleeping and are unable to see
the positive side of things. Elyan ticks all of the above. People
don’t realize they are stressed, but once it’s pointed out to
them, it becomes clearer.
“What am I to do? This is my life. I
am responsible for our people.”
“I understand you have an important
role, but you don’t have to do it on your own. You have warriors
who follow your lead. They are just as capable as you are. Let them
take some of the pressure.”
Elyan narrows his eyes as he looks at
me. He’s listening to what I’m saying rather than spouting off.
That’s a good sign.
“But will they then act as I do?
Become ‘snippety’ as you say?” He grins.
“No, I don’t believe they will. If
you divide the tasks between yourselves, it will be less of a burden.
Do you see that?”
“Yes, I do.”
It could be my imagination, but I swear
he looks less stressed already. He’s a smart cookie and I know I
whined about him plenty of times, but he isn’t a bad person.
Actually, as he is now--calm and thoughtful--he’s very attractive.
He was already ranking high on my “hot men” chart, but it was his
attitude that stopped him reaching a higher position.
Oh, I know you think I’m mean, but I
bet I’m not the only one who has a score card.
“When we return home after the
meeting today, you can gather your warriors and delegate your duties.
Start enjoying your life, Elyan.”
“I like the way you think. You are as
smart as my father said.”
“Did he say that?”
“Yes, last night after you left. I
spoke with him for a while, and he believes you are too wise for your
age.” He chuckles.
Ha! I think what the Earl said probably
went something along the lines of “she’s too big for her boots.”
But I’ll accept it as a compliment anyway.
Elyan is looking at me again. Not quite
a stare but his gaze is lingering and I know I’m blushing. My
cheeks are on fire. I’d like to know what he’s thinking.
Wait...maybe that’s not a good idea. There’s a glint in his eye,
which isn’t a bad thing, but I’ve got too much to think about at
the moment.
Extremely bad timing.
“Are all the women in your town like
you?” he asks.
“No. They are much nicer.” I laugh.
“Women are equal to men, though. They share responsibility, work
and some earn such a good wage that the man plays househusband and
takes care of the children.”
“That is a story you have made up.”
He laughs. “It is a woman’s responsibility to tend the children.”
I’m surprisingly calm after that
misogynistic statement. In all fairness, he lives in a world where
men are chivalrous and women are skivvies, and that’s not entirely
his fault. However, I will nevertheless attempt to enlighten him of
why a role doesn’t need to be filled by only one sex.
Here goes.
“Elyan, I’m going to explain
something to you which you may find surprising. Women are quite
capable of fulfilling any job a man is tasked with. The only
difference is that some women might struggle depending on the
physical strength required, but that does not mean that some women
are not a strong as some men. There are some who are stronger.”
He’s shaking his head, so I continue.
“Women are in the Army, Navy, and Air
Force. Where I’m from, we are ruled by a Queen, as are many other
countries. So you see... there’s nothing a man can do that a woman
cannot. As for taking care of children, why shouldn’t a man look
after his child? There’s no rule that says a woman should be the
only person to wipe a baby’s bottom!”
He laughs and shakes his head. “You
are making this up, surely?”
“No, I’m not.”
I look at him and wonder how he would
cope if he were to visit my world. Not only because of the women’s
issue but all the technology we have as well. I don’t think he
could take it all in, although he might have fun playing my X box.
“I should like to see this for
myself. Your world sounds interesting. Do you think I would like it?”
“There are some wonders that would
impress you, Elyan, but just as you have problems here, we also have
them. Countries fight one another and man has built horrendous
machines and created poisons that could kill us all. People starving
to death live side by side with people who are so rich, they will
never be able to spend their money before they die.”
He’s listening closely.
“Our world is full of different races
and we are not all the same color. Whole nations have been targeted
because of the color of their skin or religious beliefs. So you see
it’s important that we try and resolve the issues here before they
Elyan narrows his eyes. He’s thinking
hard, I can see from his expression. He will be the Earl once his
father passes and he could help implement changes now that would stop
future warring.
“This makes you sad, does it not?”
“Yes, very much.”
“We are from different worlds and
yet, we are not so different.”
He takes my hand in his and smiles
softly. He’s capable of becoming a great leader, I feel it. He has
already made changes to the way he acts based on information he’s
acquired. He is a smart cookie.
“We have a saying—‘there’s
nothing new under the sun’--and this is so true. Wherever we are in
the world, whether we’re black-skinned or white, if we have black
or white hair, or we worship the sun or the moon, we are all human
beings and we have a right to be free and to live.”
“We shall have that here, Scarlett. I
promise. I will do everything within my power to make Lord Ithel
understand we must live together in peace.”
Elyan pushes up and pulls me with him.
“You will show us how to make a start. Will you not?”
Thank you for taking the time to read
the sneaky peek... you can read another on my official website to
the page, Dragon
Moon where a link will be added once the book is available for
Monday, August 15, 2016
David Coe's Children of Amarid: Blog Tour Stop & Giveaway
This is pretty cool...
CHILDREN OF AMARID is the first volume of the LonTobyn Chronicle, David B. Coe’s Crawford Award-winning debut series. This is the Author’s Edit of the original book.
For a millennium the Children of Amarid have served the people of Tobyn-Ser. Drawing upon the Mage-Craft, which flows from the psychic bond they forge with their avian familiars, the Mages of the Order have fulfilled their oaths by healing the injured and ill, repelling invasions by the land’s enemies, and caring for the people in times of crisis. They are governed by laws handed down by Amarid, the first of their kind, who committed the Mage-Craft to the people’s protection. Only once in a thousand years has a mage defied those laws. Theron, a contemporary of Amarid, sought to use his powers to gain wealth and glory. For that he was punished, though not before he brought down a terrible curse on his fellow mages and all who would come after them.
CHILDREN OF AMARID (The LonTobyn Chronicle, Book 1) | David B. Coe | Lore Seekers Press | $4.99 eBook/ $18.95 Paperback | 384 pages | June 22, 2016 | ISBN: 978-1622680498 | Goodreads link:
CHILDREN OF AMARID is the first volume of the LonTobyn Chronicle, David B. Coe’s Crawford Award-winning debut series. This is the Author’s Edit of the original book.
For a millennium the Children of Amarid have served the people of Tobyn-Ser. Drawing upon the Mage-Craft, which flows from the psychic bond they forge with their avian familiars, the Mages of the Order have fulfilled their oaths by healing the injured and ill, repelling invasions by the land’s enemies, and caring for the people in times of crisis. They are governed by laws handed down by Amarid, the first of their kind, who committed the Mage-Craft to the people’s protection. Only once in a thousand years has a mage defied those laws. Theron, a contemporary of Amarid, sought to use his powers to gain wealth and glory. For that he was punished, though not before he brought down a terrible curse on his fellow mages and all who would come after them.
Buy it here:
David B. Coe, who also writes as D.B. Jackson, is the award-winning author of nineteen novels and more than a dozen short stories.
Writing under his own name ( he has most recently completed a contemporary urban fantasy called the Case Files of Justis Fearsson, published by Baen Books. The first two books,SPELL BLIND and HIS FATHER’S EYES came out in 2015. The third volume, SHADOW’S BLADE, has recently been released.
Writing under the D.B. Jackson pen name ( ), he writes the Thieftaker Chronicles, a series set in pre-Revolutionary Boston that combines elements of urban fantasy, mystery, and historical fiction. All four books in the series, THIEFTAKER, THIEVES’ QUARRY , A PLUNDER OF SOULS, and DEAD MAN’S REACH, are available from Tor Books.
David is the author of the LonTobyn Chronicle, his debut trilogy, which received the Crawford Fantasy Award as the best work by a new author in fantasy. He has also written the critically acclaimed Winds of the Forelands quintet and Blood of the Southlands trilogy, and the novelization of director Ridley Scott’s movie, ROBIN HOOD, starring Russell Crowe. David’s books have been translated into a dozen languages.
He received his undergraduate degree from Brown University and his Master’s and Ph.D. in U.S. history from Stanford University. He co-founded and regularly contributes to the Magical Words group blog (, a site devoted to discussions of the craft and business of writing fantasy, and is co-author of How To Write Magical Words: A Writer’s Companion.
Check out all of the tour stops here...
8/3 – Word Nerds (Q&A)
8/4 – I Smell Sheep (Excerpt)
8/7 – Story Forge (Q&A)
8/10 – SFFWorld
8/12 – Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist (Guest Blogger)
8/13 – The Book Crumb Blog Trail (Review)
8/15 – Fantasy Fun Reads
8/18 – Fresh Fiction (Review)
8/24 – Fall Into Reading (Review, Cover, and Blurb)
8/31 – Faith Hunter’s Blog (Guest Post)
9/2 – Enchanted Alley (Cover and Blurb)
9/7 – Lucienne Diver’s Blog (Guest Post)
9/14 – Gail Martin’s Blog (Guest Post)
9/16 – Drey’s Library
9/20 – Slippery Words (Excerpt)
9/22 – Lillian Archer (Review)
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Jesse Frankel: Author Interview & Spotlight
Please welcome author J.S. Frankel to Fantasy Fun Reads!
Harry Goldman, a teenage prodigy thrown into jail for illegal research, is teamed up with a transgenic cat-girl and soon finds himself in love and running for his life.
Harry Goldman, teenage DNA researcher, genius, and total nerd, is thrown into jail for illegal transgenic research. Freed by the FBI on the condition he works under their aegis, Harry is taken to New York where he meets Anastasia, a cat-girl and the product of transgenic engineering. No sooner do they get acquainted then they are attacked by another creature, a bear which is more than a bear, and are forced to flee for their lives. Along the way, they encounter furries, Doug the Dog, find out that they are more into each other emotionally than they’re willing to admit, and end up in the Catskill Mountains where Harry finds out the shocking truth about how Anastasia was created...and what she was created for.
Nick was about to move off when he heard the sound of
Catnip someone landing right behind him. It was a faint, almost imperceptible sound, and it startled him. He stood stock-still. The impossible had just happened! No one could just up and land without him hearing it first!
He was no commando, but the years he’d spent in alleys like this one in as well as the others around New York had taught him to be wary of anything and had sharpened his senses. He whirled around and whipped out a rusty knife from his pants that he’d picked up in his travels. His feet automatically settled into a fighting stance.
“You’re tryin’ to steal from me? Mister, you just bought yourself a can of beatdown. Whoever you are, come and get some!”
A figure emerged from the shadows at lightning speed and slapped the knife out of his hands. It clattered to the pavement and Nick stared at the creature in front of him. In the glow of the moonlight, he saw the thin coat of fur, the tail whipping back and forth, and the eyes, yellow and bright. He’d never been afraid of much, but this…this…whatever it was…suddenly put the fear of God in him, and immediately he experienced the overwhelming urge to urinate. He strained to keep everything in and couldn’t. His bowels partially loosened and then a hot stream of pee poured down his leg. “Who are you?”
The creature didn’t make a sound. It took a step closer and Nick backed up in fear against the brick wall. He smelled matted fur, excrement and urine, his own as well as the more pungent smell that came from his attacker. It was a strong smell—strong, penetrating, and dangerous—like a predator’s. And he was the prey. This he knew for a fact, and in the back of his mind, he also knew his time to die had come up.
“You mess with my bud?” George growled. “That is the wrong thing to do, man!”
Oh Lord Jesus, Nick thought with relief, the cavalry’s just come in. Good old George, there to watch his back.
The behemoth clamped his huge arms around the thing. The creature struggled briefly and then hung its head as if in defeat. Nick thought it looked like a cat, but he couldn’t be sure. It had a tail, yeah, fur, spots, but the features…and the …it had breasts…it was a woman! His buddy yelled out in triumph, “I got him, man, I got him…”
Abruptly, George’s voice rose into a high-pitched scream as the creature casually raked its claws, long and very, very sharp, up and down his forearms. The big man let go and staggered back. Blood ran from his wounds and he howled in pain. “Damn it, you cut me!”
To Nick, it seemed that everything happened in slow-mo, and then the cat-lady—there was no other word he could think of—whipped her tail around and smacked George in the face. The impact sent him spinning twenty feet down the alleyway. He hit the cement hard, stirred, and stopped moving.
Beyond terror now, Nick’s mouth opened and closed spasmodically. “What are you, man?”
The creature pivoted gracefully to face him and grabbed his shirt with one hand. He got a better look at the thing now. Yes, it looked like a cat—and didn’t. About five-eight, it had high ears, long, straight hair and the fur of the typical house pet, but the features—the nose and mouth and eyes—were human. The hands, while also human, were covered in a light coat of fur and had claws instead of fingernails. The claws extended out almost two inches in length, and yes, he’d seen how sharp they were. When it spoke, though, its voice sounded totally feminine…and totally pissed off. “First off, I’m not a man—man—and second, do you have any food?”
“No, no…I don’t,” he managed to stammer out. Once more, he tried to control his bowels and failed, and this time the stink came from his back end. He stood there soaked in his own urine and excrement, and felt ashamed.
The cat-lady sniffed the air. “You need a shower. And if you don’t have any food, where can I find some?”
Buy Catnip here...
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Check out all of J.S. Frankel's books here...
To answer your question, no, Catnip and all its sequels are only in English. I live in Japan, yes, but to get it translated here would be prohibitively expensive and not all publishers would be open to having someone unknown like me work with them. It’s tough enough cracking the market in English!
2. Why a cat? Are you a cat person?
I like all animals, but I have a thing for cats. My sister has two cats and she has a unique talent for picking the prettiest ones out there.
3. It looks like you have a wide range of publishing experience. What have you learned about publishing that you wish you knew when you first started?
Outside of learning HOW to write, I wish I’d learned about the marketing side of things better. It’s not always how good you are; it’s how big your following is. In a lot of cases, it’s how many people you can reach.
4. You have written a lot of books in a short period of time. When do you find the time to write and do you have a set schedule and/or goal for your writing?
I’m a little OCD when it comes to writing. I hit the keyboard at night, from around nine p.m. until after midnight. On a day off, I tend to write for about five or six hours, pretty much nonstop, and do what needs to be done.
5. Tell us three things about Catnip that might convince a reader to give this book a try?
Wow, about Catnip. Well, the story is offbeat. Transgenics is nothing new, but it hasn’t been written about that often. As well, people tend to like animals, particularly cats, and the image of Anastasia (as the cat-girl) is a most arresting one.
Additionally, there is a lot of action along with a cute romance and some heartbreak. All of those things combined would make it an interesting read, I feel.
Follow Jesse Frankel here...
Friday, August 5, 2016
Rebecca Chastain: Author Interview & Spotlight
This week I am happy to welcome Rebecca Chastain to Fantasy Fun Reads.
To help a baby gargoyle, Mika will
risk everything.
Mika Stillwater is a midlevel earth
elemental with ambitions of becoming a quartz artisan, and her hard
work is starting to get noticed. But when a panicked baby gargoyle
bursts into her studio, insisting Mika is the only person she’ll
trust with her desperate mission, Mika’s carefully constructed
five-year plan is shattered.
Swept into the gritty criminal
underworld of Terra Haven, Mika jeopardizes everything she’s work
so hard for as she attempts to save the baby gargoyle from the
machinations of a monster—and to stay alive…
From the imaginative mind of
international bestselling fantasy author Rebecca Chastain, Magic
of the Gargoyles is a spellbinding adventure set in a world full
of elemental magic and adorable gargoyles that is sure to enchant
young adult and adult readers alike.
Excerpt from Magic of the Gargoyles:
With one last twist of a filament of earth magic, I fused together
the delicate seams of the quartz tube. Slumping forward, I braced my
elbows on the table and rested my cheekbones on my palms, cupping my
weary eyes in darkness. Six down, six finicky tubes to go. The
specifications of this project taxed my substantial skills with
quartz magic, which was the point. This project would launch my
business and prove that even though I was only a midlevel earth
elemental, my quartz skills were equal to or better than more
powerful full-spectrum elementals. These fussy tubes would fund the
down payment on the lease for the shop I coveted in the Pinnacle
Pentagon Center. I could finally quit my demeaning job at Jones and
Sons Quarry, be my own boss, and begin a career creating
one-of-a-kind quartz masterpieces I could take pride in.
My entire future rested on these
fragile vials, and they were due tomorrow at four.
Dull pain pounded my back muscles.
Night had crept over the city while I worked, and my jerky movements
as I stood and stretched were reflected in the semicircle of bay
windows in front of my worktable. Purple smears of exhaustion beneath
my green eyes were exaggerated in the dark windows, and my pale face
floated above a dirt-smeared navy shirt. I checked the clock: almost
midnight. Sixteen hours until my deadline, and eight of those would
be taken up by my Jones and Sons workday. There was no time for a
break. If anything, I needed to work faster.
Groaning, I redid my ponytail, tucking
shorter wisps of strawberry-blond hair behind my ears before giving
my hard wooden chair the stink eye. Mentally chanting, Pinnacle
Pentagon, to motivate myself, I reached for another seed crystal.
Frantic tapping shook the glass in the
balcony door. I pulled the door open, knowing it was Kylie, my best
friend and the tenant who shared my second-floor apartment balcony.
“I really can’t talk. I need to finish—”
“Help! Help! They’ve got—”
Something small and hard slammed into
my stomach. I staggered backward into my chair and crashed to the
floor. A small boulder skipped across the wooden floor and smashed
into the wall.
“You’re a human!”
I shrieked. The voice came from inside
my room. I twisted, scrambling onto my bed.
Against the wall, the rock moved.
Beautiful blue dumortierite quartz
veined with green aventurine twisted into a winged panther no bigger
than a house cat. A pissed-off, solid-stone, magical, winged house
cat. A gargoyle—no, a baby gargoyle. A hatchling.
Her eyes glowed feverishly. Long
polished blue claws gouged into the floor when she launched into the
air. Her agile stone wings unfolded with a soft gritty sound.
I lurched backward across the bed
until I was pressed against the wall. The mattress shook when the
hatchling pounced on the space I’d just vacated. Sharp claws
bunched in my yellow bedspread. She raised her muzzle, mouth open,
and sniffed the air.
I eased toward the foot of the bed,
readying my escape into the hallway.
“It’s you! Your magic smells so
good. I thought—”
My magic has a smell?
The gargoyle’s eyes darted to the
open door, then back to me. She arched her stone back and hissed at
me, the sound dying to a hair-raising growl. The tip of her stone
tail slashed back and forth, gouging my wooden headboard.
“I need help.”
“My help?” Gargoyles—even baby
gargoyles—didn’t interact with midlevel elementals like me, and
they certainly didn’t ask for our help. “There’s a
full-spectrum elemental just—” I started to point up the street
but froze when she snarled at me.
“No other humans! Before it’s too
late.” The gargoyle’s words were smooth coming out of her rock
throat, with just a hint of a lisp from her tongue working around
enormous teeth.
I stared into her glowing blue eyes,
seeing past the bared fangs and agitated movements, reading her fear
for the first time. I reached for her, then pulled my hand back when
she shied from me.
“Too late for what?”
“You can save him. Hurry!”
Magic of the Gargoyles is currently free on Amazon. Get it here...
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The box set, featuring three full novels is also on sale...
Get it here...
Rebecca Chastain is the
internationally bestselling author of the Madison Fox, Illuminant
Enforcer series and the Gargoyle Guardian Chronicles, among others
works. Inside her novels, you’ll find spellbinding
adventures packed with supernatural creatures, thrilling action,
heartwarming characters (human and otherwise), and more than a little
humor. She lives in Northern California with her wonderful
husband and three bossy cats.
Links where you can find Rebecca:
Amazon author page:
1. Gargoyles! I thought I had included
just about every supernatural creature in my books but I left those
out. Tell me what I need to know about gargoyles and how they feature
in your books.
The Gargoyle Guardian Chronicles are
set in a world saturated by magic—mythic creatures live
side-by-side with humans, and all humans possess varying levels of
elemental magic. Gargoyles are special in that they have the ability
to enhance magic in others…which makes them vulnerable to the
machinations of evil individuals.
My gargoyles are intelligent,
breathing, moving, non-violent creatures. I made only two rules for
them: (1) no matter what hodgepodge shape their bodies took, they had
to have wings, and (2) they had to be made of some form of living
quartz. Somewhere along the way, a third rule snuck in: they had to
be adorable.
The series is told from the perspective
of Mika, a midlevel earth elemental, and all three books revolve
around gargoyles in need, starting with the baby gargoyle who bursts
into Mika’s home and insists Mika’s the only person who can help
with the gargoyle’s desperate mission.
Would you be able to say no to a
helpless baby gargoyle?
2. Tell me about your publishing
experience, how you found a publisher or decided to self-publish.
I spent five or ten years trying to
entice an agent with my writing, researching the art of query
letters, and taking classes on writing. Not being picked up by an
agent turned out to be the one of the best things that ever happened
to me. I spent those years honing my craft. I wrote six or so novels,
many of which will not see the light of day because they were rubbish
and deserved to be rejected. But in writing them, I learned so much!
When I started getting very nice rejection letters, like, “I love
your writing style and this book, but it feels like something that we
would have published last year” (aggh! What was I supposed to do
with that?!), I decided to self-publish. Turns out that A Fistful
of Evil—that “outdated” fantasy novel—was destined to
become an international bestseller.
3. What have you learned since your
first book was published that you wish you knew when you first
started out?
Momentum is key! When I first
published, I had various manuscripts laying around (all those I was
trying to entice agents with), and so I focused on getting the best
of them publishing ready. I started with A Fistful of Evil,
and about two months later, its sales took off, but I didn’t grasp
how important it was to keep going with the same series. Instead I
bounced over to Magic of the Gargoyles, then back to the
sequel to A Fistful of Evil, then I published my
suspense-romance-magical-realism mutt of a standalone novel (Tiny
Glitches) before finally realizing I needed to finish a series
already! That’s when I wrote and published books 2 and 3 in the
Gargoyle Guardian Chronicles, and the response from fans has assured
me concentrating on a single series at a time is the way for me to
4. What books/authors influenced you
growing up that led to you writing in the paranormal & fantasy
As far back as I can remember, I been
hooked on fantasy. I devoured the complete works of Piers Anthony,
David Eddings, Anne McCaffrey, Robert Jordan, Raymond E. Feist, Robin
McKinley, and so many others. I could not get enough of magical
worlds of all kinds. I was so wrapped up in fantasy that I didn’t
even know romance novels existed until a time-travel romance by Jude
Deveraux pulled me into that genre when I was 17. I hopscotched to
Diana Gabaldon, Karen Marie Moning, and Katie MacAlister, and along
the way found and fell in love with the urban fantasy genre through
Kim Harrison, Ilona Andrews, Laurell K. Hamilton, and Gail Carriger.
It’s hard to pinpoint any one author that influenced me; it was
more of a group hypnosis, under which I realized the only way I could
get any closer to these magical worlds was to create some of my own.
5. What are you currently writing and
when is your next book coming out?
I’m starting the outlining process of
the third Madison Fox urban fantasy novel, which is scheduled to come
out this fall. I’m all nerves about it because when I set that
deadline, I thought I’d be starting the book in April. It’s time
to put on my blinders and focus!
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