Saturday, December 23, 2017

Jane on audio is Live!

Short links: Jane on Audio  

My narrator, Caryn Kuhlman did a fantastic job with this one, blending multiple accents flawlessly. It's a great listen and an affordable price!

Jane & Jade are chasing the Devil around the world. That's probably not the smartest thing to do and when the hunters become the hunted, the action really gets rocking, leading to a non-stop thrill ride of a road trip. Vampires and Shifters, Angels and Demons, throw in a giant troll and some witches and you've got a paranormal war.
That doesn't leave much time for romance but there is a wedding, and a funeral, and both are ones you don't want to miss. Take a ride with Jane & Jade!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Faith Hunter's FLAME IN THE DARK: Review & Excerpt

I am very happy to host a blog tour stop for Faith Hunter's latest book,  Flame In The Dark....

Nell Ingram has always known she was different. Since she was a child, she’s been able to feel and channel ancient powers from deep within the earth. When she met Jane Yellowrock, her entire life changed, and she was recruited into PsyLED—the Homeland Security division that polices paranormals. But now her newly formed unit is about to take on its toughest case yet.

A powerful senator barely survives an assassination attempt that leaves many others dead—and the house he was visiting burns to the ground. Invisible to security cameras, the assassin literally disappears, and Nell’s team is called in. As they track a killer they know is more—or less—than human, they unravel a web of dark intrigue and malevolent motives that tests them to their limits and beyond.

FLAME IN THE DARK (Soulwood #3)
Author: Faith Hunter
Publisher: Ace/Roc
December 5, 2017
Mass Market Paperback $7.99
352 pages
ISBN: 978-0451473332

Excerpt FLAME IN THE DARK: Part Thirteen

I looked at Occam and crossed my arms over my chest. Yummy was watching the byplay with the same kind of amusement that a human might display when watching monkeys in a zoo.

Occam looked around. Sighed. “Right. Okay. I see.” He handed me a camera. “Try anyway.”

I threw the blanket back at him and sat on the cement edge of a planter. Placed the camera on the ground prominently in front of me as if it had a purpose. I dug my fingers through six inches of mulch and stuck them into the soil. It was good- quality potting soil mixed with top soil. There was a nice concentration of nutrients. One spot where some stupid human had dumped in a cup of coffee. I boosted the tree, just in case the winter was long and cold, and withdrew my hand. “Nothing. But why do they think the shooter stood here? The rounds probably popped off the roof.” I looked up. So did Occam and Yummy, who pursed her mouth.

She laced her fingers together, bent her knees, and said, “Come on, cat. I’ll boost you up and you can pull me up. Maggot can wait down here.”

I spotted Rick in a group of suited men and women, mostly Secret Service and Ffeds. “I’ll be eavesdropping over there.” Occam didn’t acknowledge my comment. Without looking, he took a running start and bounded into Yummy’s hand. The vampire tossed him up and forward and he touched down on the roof with cat grace. In his cat form that leap would have been easy all on his own.

Yummy backed up and raced in, leaping onto the planter and pushing off with one foot. Occam reached out over the edge and grabbed her arm, pulling her up. They collided, fell out of sight, and hit the roof.

For all blog tour stops, please visit here:

My Review:

I love Faith Hunter's Jane Yellowrock books and I am becoming a huge fan of this series as well. Nell Ingram kicks butt in a different way than Jane does but it is no less powerful and in the end I think it is safe to say you don't want to mess with Nell Ingram. Fans of this series will be pleased to hear that several of the more troublesome problems Nell is dealing with are resolved while the romance angle continues to develop. Like the Jane Yellowrock books, I have found the rich character development to be a huge plus. Team and family continue to grow in this one and the powerful and stunning conclusion will leave you breathless. The element of mystery is strong and I didn't anticipate the revealing of that mystery at all. I give Flame In The Dark 5 stars.

The release date is December 5th but you can pre-order a copy on Amazon at the following link...
Pre-order on Amazon

The tour giveaway is for 3 sets of the 1st 2 Soulwood books ( BLOOD OF THE EARTH and CURSE ON THE LAND ) and one $50 Amazon gift card (US residents only)!

New York Times and USAToday bestselling fantasy author Faith Hunter was born in Louisiana and raised all over the south. Altogether she has 40+ books in print under the names Gary Hunter, Gwen Hunter, and Faith Hunter. As Faith, she writes two contemporary Urban Fantasy series: the Jane Yellowrock series, featuring a Cherokee skinwalker who hunts rogue vampires, and the Soulwood series, featuring earth magic user Nell Ingram. Her Rogue Mage novels are a dark, post-apocalyptic, fantasy series featuring Thorn St. Croix, a stone mage. The role playing game based on the series, is ROGUE MAGE, RPG.

Twitter: @hunterfaith
Yellowrock Securities:
Gwen Hunter:

Monday, November 27, 2017

Jewel Meets Talia

It's my pleasure to team up with my friend and fellow Indie Author, Ivy Logan on this. I hope you enjoy!

-By Ivy Logan


A witch and a sorceress from different timelines meeting for a brief moment in time, do they have anything in common? What do they talk about?
Read on to find out.

Talia is on the run. It’s been a few months since she fled Aberevon. King Damien’s men are chasing her. With her gorgeous looks and cerulean blue hair hiding out is a challenge. She barely sleeps and has to be on her guard because she has no one else to depend on. No friend or family. She is alone.
This is when she meets Jewel.
Jewel is from the future. She accidentally stepped through a gateway in the Veil, the invisible barrier between worlds and timelines and reached the time to which Talia belongs.
Talia has been on the run but her family was in hiding even before she was cast adrift. She just never realized it. The warmth and love of her parents and brother compensated for the lack of friends. Yet, meeting Jewel is special. It doesn’t matter to Talia that Jewel is from another time. This is the first young person, her own age she can actually relate to. For Talia, Jewel is like a much needed breath of fresh air. Will Jewel make a difference to Talia’s sagging spirits?

Jewel : Why are you so worried? I am the one who has stepped into the past, and I’m not sure how I will return to my own time.

Talia : You have a problem Jewel and every reason to worry. I hope I am able to help you get back. I know how important home and family are. I have a reason to worry too. I bet you would feel the same if you were in my shoes. A mad and wicked king wants to marry me because he thinks I am an enchantress.

Jewel : So are you one? An enchantress, I mean?

Talia : It’s kind of complicated.

Jewel : What do you mean? Either you are or you aren’t. So which one is it?

Talia : I just learned about my roots and my legacy a few months ago. My mother, Caitlin was a sorceress but she never used magic in front of me. I grew up believing that I was an ordinary human child. I didn’t know I was a half-blood. She…she died before she could teach me any magic. During my childhood years my powers made an appearance only when I was very angry or extremely upset. But I couldn’t control them then and even today the situation is much the same. What is the use of magic if you can’t use it when you need it?

Jewel starts laughing. Talia stares at her in amazement and with a hurt look on her face.

Talia : I thought you were my friend. I’ve never had a friend before. But you are laughing at me.

Jewel : Don’t feel bad Talia. The reason I laughed was because I am also almost in the same boat as you. But I am a witch, a bit like an enchantress. In our time we have a school to hone our witchcraft skills, though. I go to the ‘Norma Jean's School of Witchery’. Despite that… Here is another reason for my laughter and your turn to promise not to laugh. We have a common problem. You say you have no control over your powers but at least you know that they are there. I can’t get even the most basic spells to work. Only Thor is able to help me.

Talia : Who is Thor? Your brother or father? Oh, Never mind! I get what you mean. You laughed, not at me but at the irony of the situation. Thank you for telling me the truth. I feel better now. I was so miserable before you got here. I didn’t think it could get worse. But it can. I can’t believe that I found a friend, someone like me and she has similar concerns. I don’t feel alone for the first time in a long time. How do you deal with the loneliness? Maybe I can get some ideas from you.

Jewel : I don’t have to because I am not alone. I have friends at school and they are always there for me. In fact I have to return home soon because a powerful magical device has been stolen and I have been recruited by a secret government agency made up of witches with special abilities to recover it. My friends always have my back.

Talia : Jewel you are so lucky. Lucky to have friends I mean. I had no one but my family and now they are all gone. I hope I find someone nice to trust someday. I like you but you will be going soon and I will be alone again. I hope you are not in any danger. I didn’t exactly understand everything you said but the work you are doing sounds dangerous.

Jewel : It is, but there is nothing I would rather do. I do like playing ‘Witch Pong’ for fun. What did you do in your free time?

Talia : Ah, well! I used to train a lot with my mother. She taught me to fight with swords and spears and also how to use the bow and arrow. Ah let me see.. Yes, I also often, disguised myself and hide in plain sight and my parents would try and spot me. I called this game ‘Hide-N-Seek’.

Jewel snorts.

Jewel : That sounds a lot like witch school. They only thing is your mother was your teacher. I didn’t ask about your training. I asked you what you used to do for fun, before your life on the run.

Talia smiles

Talia : I used to ride horses. I loved horses. We had our own stables and I had my own pony called ‘Liata’. Now I don’t know if I will ever have a horse of my own again. And yes one more thing, I used to play a lot with my younger brother, Joshua. But what is this witch tong?

Jewel starts laughing again.

Jewel : Witch Pong not Tong. It’s a game we witches play with magic balls and broomsticks. It is a whole lot of fun. I hope I get a chance to teach you some day.

At that moment an iridescent light falls on Jewel, she starts to fade. The air around her starts whooshing.

Talia : I think you are being pulled back into your own time, Jewel. I must say good-bye. It has been such a pleasure to meet you. I was feeling down and out, lonely and out of sorts but meeting you has shown me that everyone has problems. We have to find a way to deal with them, our own way. Thank you so much and good- bye, don’t forget, you have to teach me to play pong, someday. Farewell!

Jewel : Bye Talia. Be safe. Don’t lose hope and don’t let that king catch you. Until we meet again…..

‘Broken’ is Book One in The Breach Chronicles series by Ivy Logan. It is the tale of a young sorceress bereft of her powers but determined to avenge her family. For that she must rise from the ashes of destruction. Even though she thinks her heart is resistant, she can’t hide from love. Love find her and she find the courage to stand tall because all that is Broken Is Not Lost. Broken currently available for pre order releases on 1/12/17.

Broken Amazon Link

Ivy Logan Author Links

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

That's not quite true, of course. I once said that writing a book was the easy part. That was when the words were flowing and I couldn't stop writing. Now, the writing part is the hard part for me. I recently set my work in progress (Wiznewski James) to the side because I was having a hard time writing. I'm now working on The Dragon Egg: A Jewel Adventure. Maybe the change will help. Hang in there with me.

I see a lot of advertisements that make promises of best seller status. Usually these are written by best selling authors. I just wonder if I wrote a book on how to write a best seller, would it become a best seller? I don't think there are any easy buttons for this. I also believe each author has their own path to success. What works for one doesn't always work for others.

So after you write that book there is the editing, publishing, marketing, and promoting of the book. I try to have fun with it but there are many potholes in the road. When I first became an author I couldn't believe how hard it was to sell a few books. I had a few reviews I found hard to swallow. I discovered I had missed some typos. Recently I found my audio book plastered all over YouTube and that really hit me hard. It's so discouraging to see your work pirated like that. Especially when you are trying so hard just to sell a few books.

In any case, I will do my best to get past this and keep plugging along with my writing and promoting.

If you want to pay for my audio book so both the narrator and myself will make a few hard earned dollars in royalties, it's priced very reasonably on several platforms.

Amazon, Audible, iTunes links to Jade (audio book)...


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Goodbye Pronoun, Hello Kindle Unlimited

Back in March of this year, I made the decision to go wide with the distribution of my eBooks by using Pronoun, a publishing platform that would expand my distribution from just Amazon to places like Kobo, B&N, iTunes, & Google Play.

They were great to work with, had excellent response time when I had a question, and I was pleased to see some sales and royalties from these other distribution channels. That didn't last long as recently Pronoun announced it was shutting down. So it goes.

My eBooks are now exclusive to Amazon and if you are into the Kindle Unlimited thing, all my titles are now available through that program.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Alienation BLOG HOP TOUR

Welcome to the Alienation BLOG HOP TOUR.

Please take your seat and strap yourself in, as we take you on an intergalactic tour. You will be amazed, entertained, and educated. Manoeuvre through the cosmos and be astounded at all you see. Hunt down the hidden words that will get you to your final destination where a one-of- a -kind award awaits one lucky traveller.

You are here to celebrate the release of Alienation, book two of the humorous Sci-Fi series, Starstruck.

Sally Webber's dream is coming true: Zander is back and taking her out for a night on the town--on a planet hundreds of light years away from Earth.

But when an accident separates her from her alien tour guide, she’s thrown into the seedy underbelly of an insane city where nothing is as it seems. Suddenly lost and desperate to get back home, Sally is willing to do anything to get out, even if it means accepting spontaneous marriage proposals, crashing some fancy parties, or joining what appears to be the space mob.

All she wanted was some decent interstellar pizza, but now it might be the end of the world as evil nanobots and an out of control AI try to take the universe by force, and the only one who can stop them is missing in action. Sally has no choice but to try to stop them herself--if she can stay alive that long.

Follow this exciting blog tour starting at your first stop UrbanHype101 and if you get lost in cyber space, come back to UrbanHype101 for the tour map.
There’s something new to read see or hear on each of these stops.
Don’t forget to hunt for that special word and if you find ALL of them, send them to and you could win a signed copy of Alienation and a gift pack of unique swag.
This contest is open internationally. 

I thought he would take me to the massive passageway and into the heart of the block: but no, he led me to the mural towering over the rest of the landing platform, the brightly colored orbs on the black ceramic background, dizzying in number and sizes.
A star map. A huge, overwhelming star map, crafted in a glittering mosaic on the wall. Probably no more than street art for the people who lived here, but jaw-dropping for a little human from Earth.
"We're here," Zander said, hopping into the air to point at a specific star, "in the core of the Alliance. Earth's not even mapped... but your sun is. It's right about... here."
He pointed out into the distance, to a small insignificant dot.
"The Alliance stretches... all that way?" I asked, taking in the vastness of the mural.
Zander nodded. "You seem impressed, but they're small players when you think about it. I've seen civilizations spanning not just solar systems, but entire galaxies. Plural. Some had cities with hundreds, if not thousands of planets. These are just your closest neighbors, Sally. Say hi."
"Hi," I repeated, awkwardly. I was engrossed in the map, trying to take all the hundreds of stars in, the thousands of planets in this Alliance. It was surreal, seeing for myself the conglomeration of planets I had heard so much about but barely believed existed. It was more than my mind could process.
"They have the same name for it as we do?" I stared at the little orb Zander had pointed me too, with the little word 'Sun' staring back at me, overlaid on the art with hologrammed pixels which glistened in the air.
"Nah, your brain is telling you what you want to see. I told you, your translator’s top of the line."
"I didn’t think it would still work, after two years."
"Two years," he repeated, as if he still couldn’t believe it. He obviously did not want to dwell: his face went from being excited, to a flicker of a frown, to his usual grin again in the span of a second. "So, you're far from home, Sally: same galaxy, at least, so no worries there. Just a few light years. Where do you want to go next?"
"What's this?" I asked, touching a large silver orb sticking out of the wall.
"Sally, No!" Zander lunged at me, but it was too late. My fingers fluttered over the cold surface. A long, apple green man-thing appeared in front of the map. While it had the eyes and mouth of a regular human, it looked as if the rest of him had been squashed by a steamroller, then reinflated to give him some depth. The thing was semi-transparent, and when it moved its mouth, I could see all the way through it.
"Mr. Gilmag." Zander shuddered. The weird green thing advanced like it had seen us, smiling with an unnaturally wide mouth.
"Hi, I'm Mr. Gilmag! The Da-Duhui tourism board would like to welcome you to Kurai," he said, in an obnoxiously chipper voice, "please enjoy our outstanding locations for shopping and dining. I will be your guide on this journey of self-discovery..."
"Off," Zander said. "Program execute? Program Complete? Program Terminated? Zing? Zap? End? Exit? Escape?"
"May I offer you a brief history of our city?" Mr. Gilmag said, ignoring Zander's attempts to subdue him. "Ten thousand years ago, after the third galactic war, a treaty of nonaggression was signed between the planets of Pyrina, Da-Duhui, and Vorace. When a greater threat presented itself from beyond..."
"Just keep walking." Zander put an arm over my shoulders to steer me away from the eager animation. "He shouldn't be able to follow us past a certain radius."
"It can follow us?"
"And I can hear you," said the hologram, putting its hands on its hips. "It's rude to interrupt. I'm not sure what quadrant you were raised in, but-"
"Oh, my gosh, I'm so sorry."
I pulled myself from Zander’s arm and gave the hologram an apologetic look, but the poor thing looked so hurt. I wanted to walk forward and give it a hug.
"He's a program, Sally. He has no feelings," hissed Zander while trying to drag me away. "It's programmed to say that so you listen to the whole shpiel."
"So what if I am?" Gilmag scoffed, "it doesn't mean I don't have feelings about—"
With that, Zander pushed me back, and we were out of its sphere of influence. Mr. Gilmag disappeared into computerized nothingness.
"What was that about?" I asked, staring at the place the green man had just been.
"A fresh attempt to catch the attention of Millionials." Zander sighed. "You coming?"

Thanks for reading. Now hop on to your spacecraft and visit.

6th October BrhiStokes

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Jade (eBook) Sale 99 Cents

This is a great price for a fun urban fantasy read.

Get it on Pronoun here:


4 LOLs, 5 WTFs, & 6 OMGs Surprises, plot twists, & shockers keep coming ♥


Meet Jade Smith, a magical mutt with a mission. A detective partnered with a shifter named Rolfe, she’s on the case to solve a slew of murders: Vamps are killing humans, and nobody knows why. When London Jane, the most powerful vamp in town, is implicated in the murders, Jade knows something isn’t right. Together with Jill, the Winter Queen of Faerie, Jade and Jane take their investigation underground. On the run, with nowhere to hide, they uncover a secret that could destroy Faerie, as well as the human realm. Will Jade stop the killer in time? Or will she be the next victim? 

Magic, mayhem, and mystery abound, and the odds are stacked against them; it’s three against three hundred.

Buy on Amazon:

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Press Release: Everything is Better With a Cape

Everything is Better With a Cape - Press 

From the author of I Wore Heels to the Apocalypse comes the hilarious sequel.
What is better than a sarcastic talking badger? A sarcastic talking badger with superpowers, of course!

Having survived the apocalypse, Kerry is back to being a socially awkward web developer, but when apocalypse survivors start ending up dead, with her next on the list, events begin to spiral out of control. Follow Kerry as she deals with life and fashion challenges, whilst trying to save the world in this hilarious sequel to I Wore Heels to the Apocalypse.

Be a hero, #WearTheCape

There was a really positive reaction to Heels, over all,” said Clepitt when asked about her sequel. “People loved the badger, which was to be expected, and they were all sad when he disappeared at the end. Of course spirit guides are only around as long as you need them, and since in this new story, Kerry’s life becomes a bit of a disaster, we see the triumphant return of the badger in all its sarcastic glory.”

I think it’s really important to write diverse characters,” she added. “The world is not purely one type of person, despite what traditional canon would have us believe and it is essential that everyone is represented. As authors we have a responsibility to write diverse characters where we can. It is also important to write what we know, so it is equally essential that we help and encourage diverse authors, so that all perspectives are represented within a modern canon. I also don’t think we should have to add “warning labels” to our writing, you don’t warn readers that your books contain straight people, do you? No-one’s worried that it will somehow offend people. Bigotry is not a sensibility I think we need to consider.”

Everything is Better With a Cape is due for release September 3rd. Visit for more information.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Author Spotlight: C.J.Perry

It's my pleasure to spotlight C.J. Perry on Fantasy Fun Reads. C.J. is one of my twitter buddies as well as a fellow North Carolina resident. He wants to get his name and his writing out there so this book is an instafreedie. Yep, that's right. How can you go wrong with that? I hope you take advantage of this offer!

Get it here...

Here is the book trailer...

The second book in the series, Rise of the Shadowalker is also an instafreebie. Wow!

Eighteen years have passed since Justin’s mother broke the God of Light’s Curse, freeing humans from the bonds of slavery. All his life he has been told his destiny lies within the dark fold, but Justin has never put his faith in any god. He is a Red Wizard, an order opposed to the war between Darkness and Light.

But when the Light returns for vengeance in the form a beautiful red-haired knight, the fuse of another war is lit. To stop it, Justin can no longer sit on the sidelines. Torn between family and love, he will have to make a choice, and put his faith in someone or something more than himself.

CJ Perry is sarcastic liberal nerd that played too much Dungeons & Dragons in his youth and never learned respect for authority, couth, or how to line dance. He is a NY transplant in the swing state of NC trying to vote it blue. He enjoys; writing, fantasy, writing fantasy, commas, and long, redundant lists.

Follow C.J. Perry

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Revenue Streams

Unfortunately, my Amazon eBook sales are trending downward this year. Despite my promotional efforts, it's getting harder to get those sales. Which is why I am glad to report that my efforts to increase revenue in other areas has had some success.

Back in March I decided to expand my distribution channels through Pronoun making my titles available not only on Amazon, but also on Kobo, B&N, Google Play, & iTunes. These are the results through the first five months of my expanded distribution. I'm not breaking the bank (yet) but these sales add up.

Last month my first book on audio released and already I have a dozen sales. This should add to my monthly revenue stream as well. I'm hopeful the second book on audio will release in September. These are being done on a revenue share basis through ACX so there is no up front production cost involved.

Even though eBook sales are down for me this year, my paperback sales through Createspace are up. I should pass the $100 mark in royalties at the end of this month, much earlier than last year.

These three sources of revenue should help make up some of the shortage in the sell of eBooks. I'm thankful to those of you that have purchased my books through any format!

Although Amazon eBook sales continue to be my biggest source of revenue, it's considerably down from last year's total of almost 6K. Adding to this total from other sources will help. Year to date eBook sales via Amazon..

Monday, July 24, 2017

Fangdemonium by Lucienne Diver: Blog Tour Stop

I love teen reads and when vampires are the main characters, it's all good! It's my pleasure to present a spotlight and review of the latest book in the Vamped series, Fangedemonium.


Fanged and fabulous…and hunted.
Gina Covella, fashionista of the fanged, and her entourage are primed to reveal the existence of vampires on the popular Ghouligans television show, when their former federal handlers swoop in to shut them down and imprison the vamps in one of their super secret testing facilities. Or not so secret, as the gang knows all about the horror hospitals and has sworn to take them down.
Their daring escape runs them right into the arms of “the resistance”—a group of humans and vampires who’ve joined together to stop the fighting that’s made Gina and her boy Bobby’s hometown a bloody battlefield. Going home brings them back to old nemeses as well, including the psycho psychic who declared Gina “chaos” and Bobby “the key”. They hope he’ll unlock the secret of stopping the Feds’s freakshow experiments for good, because they’re building up to something big. Huge. And they’re consolidating their power in the Big Easy, aka New Orleans, where what’s cooking is nothing less than the final showdown.

Publisher: Lore Seekers Press
Price: $6.99
Release date: July 17th, 2017

Purchase Link: 


Alistaire . . . I still held the breath I’d taken. The moment suspended in time as I studied the sunken face of the psycho psychic I’d first met back in Mozulla. He’d been twisted into something both more and less than human—well, than vampire—by a failed murder attempt by his blood-daughter. He’d been too strong to die, and the spell too strong to leave him whole in mind or body. Or maybe he’d been half crazy to start. I hadn’t known him before his transformation, only after, when his body took on extra joints that bent every which way, giving him a spider or cricket-like appearance when he articulated to his full potential. I’d first met him when he’d menaced Marcy. The memory of his mindspeak skittered through my brain like swarming spiders.
Oddly, he’d saved my life several times over. He’d also threatened it, along with the lives of those I loved. He was nothing if not unpredictable. But still, I owed him. And no one deserved what I saw in that drawing. Tubes went into and out of him, and restraints bound him to a hospital type bed. He seemed to have become one with the mattress, making barely a dent in the sheets. The flesh of his face was nearly melted away so that his skin outlined bones and gristle. He looked like a living mummy, and I could tell the living part only because he was staring at the camera, his eyes as bat-crap crazy as ever, looking like he wanted to kill and eat something, but not before playing with his food.
“Holy crap,” Bobby said, staring with me.
“What is it?” Marcy asked. “I’ll trade you.”
I traded her the sketch for the note. I didn’t want to hold it one second longer than I had to anyway. 

My Review:  

There will be Fangs ♥
There will be Non-Stop Action♥
There will be Clothes♥
There will be Car Chases♥
There will be Shopping♥
There will be a Fashionista♥

Throw in some great side characters and just the right light touch of romance and you have another winner. Book Five is undead!!!

In prepping for this post I saw quite a few comparisons to other authors and other series. I'm reminded of Betsy the Vampire Queen by Mary Janice Davidson. A teen version of that with even more action. The whole series is just great fun and if you haven't read any of these books, I'm going to link to the first one. I urge you to give it a try. Great Reads!!!

Get Vamped (Book One):

There’s a tour-wide giveaway for copies of FANGDEMONIUM and a Rafflecopter gift certificate for 20 dollars! Open to US residents only.


Lucienne Diver is the author of Vamped young adult series (think Clueless meets Buffy) and the Latter-Day Olympians urban fantasy series from Samhain, which Long and Short Reviews called “a clever mix of Janet Evanovich and Rick Riordan”. Her short stories have appeared in the KICKING IT anthology edited by Faith Hunter and Kalayna Price (Roc Books), the STRIP-MAULED and FANGS FOR THE MAMMARIES anthologies edited by Esther Friesner (Baen Books) and her essay “Abuse” was published in DEAR BULLY: 70 Authors Tell Their Stories (HarperCollins). More information can be found on her website: